Friday, July 10, 2015

No news is.... good news?

It has been a little bit since my last update, so I figured I should post!

1)  Regarding the PERRY test--It's still being processed.  Results are expected sometime between now and July 22nd.  And yes, I am constantly checking to see if they are in yet, so I will post as soon as they come in.  It could still fail, and have to re-test, but for now, I'm assuming that no news is good news.

2)  Regarding the LOEWEN test--I'm $0.49 shy of being able to buy it right now.  Still hoping for some sort of a coupon code or something to come along so I can save a little bit on the cost of the test.  If nothing comes through, this test will be purchased on July 22nd.

3)  Regarding further FOX testing--I saw all of my dad's siblings and one of his first cousins over the July 4th weekend, and talked to three siblings and the cousin about what I'm doing.  They all sounded somewhat interested in testing.  We'll see where that goes.

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