Ancestors I am looking for

Here are our most recent brick walls.  There are more further back, but since these are the most recent, they'll probably be the easiest to solve if I can test the right combination of people..

People I am looking for on the Fox side:
Edwin B. Marvin--My great-great-great-grandfather. So far, all I know is that he was born in 1822.

People I am looking for on the Perry side:
Samuel Perry--Also my great-great-great-grandfather. I believe he was born in 1825 in England.
Mary Davis--My great-great-great-grandmother. May have been born in 1831.

People I am looking for on the Loewen side:
Katharina Epp--My great-great-grandmother. I know who her father was, but her mother is unknown.
David Franz--My great-great-grandfather. No idea who his parents were.
Maria Fast--My great-great-grandmother. No idea who her parents were.

People I am looking for on the Petkau side:
Justina ______--My great-great-great-great-grandmother. No idea what her maiden name was.
Julius Willms--My great-great-great-grandfather. No idea who his parents were.
Maria Willms--My great-great-great-grandmother. Julius was her father, but I do not know who her mother was.
Peter Klassen--My great-great-grandfather. No idea who his parents were.

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