Living People I Am Looking For

People I would like to test on the Fox/Perry side:
Autosomal--At least one or two of Dad's siblings (any volunteers?)

Autosomal--A close relative on the Perry side.  Ideally this person would be my paternal grandmother's brother, but any of his kids would do as well.

Autosomal--A close relative on the Fox side.  Ideally this would be a descendant of Jay Fox & Gladys Ellen Marvin.

YDNA--Either my paternal grandmother's brother, or his son

YDNA--My dad

People I would like to test on the Loewen/Petkau side:

Autosomal--A known Klassen cousin.

Autosomal: A descendant of Susanna Falk and Johann Kroeker.

Autosomal--At least one of Grandpa Loewen's siblings.  I have a lead on this one as well.

Autosomal--At least one of Grandpa Loewen's cousins (hoping for one from his Franz side).  I will need help finding someone who would fit this.

YDNA--A known Klassen cousin. 

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