Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Some shared segments

Here's a graphic that shows all the shared segments between my aunt and her uncle (my great-uncle).   Even though I'm still unable to compare my father to my aunt directly, I can already see that there are a number of spots where my dad, my aunt, and my great-uncle all match each other.  This may sound like it would be helpful, but it's actually not!  Too much overlap between my father's DNA and his siblings' DNA makes it that much more difficult to re-build my grandmother's DNA (which is what we need to do to figure out some brick walls).

However, what IS exciting is that I'm finding people on my aunt's match list who don't match my great-uncle.  This could indicate that they are from my aunt's and my dad's paternal side.  I have one solid lead on a family tree with major links to the Maritime provinces of Canada, which is one place where our PERRY branch hits a bunch of brick walls.

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