Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Almost there!!

The FOX/PERRY results are IN!  Well.... mostly.  We have matches, and we can download those matches to GenomeMate, which is a great help, but we're still waiting on raw data and myOrigins.  I don't really care about the myOrigins too much, but I'm anxious to get the raw data so that we can upload that to GEDmatch.

However, there's still lots to be done with the information we have right now.  Since my great-uncle had previously tested with FTDNA, we can now compare him to my aunt (this test that just finished) and see where they match.  We can also compare that information to where Dad and my great-uncle (his uncle) match, and possibly make some conclusions there.  But the real fun will come when I can get my aunt onto GEDmatch.

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