Thursday, October 29, 2015

Captain John Morgan

Well, it looks like I've already gotten a confirmed, but NOT triangulated segment from my aunt's results!

Captain John Morgan would be my 9th great grandfather.  He was born 30 March 1645 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts.  He died in Groton, New London, Connecticut 12 February 1711.  He married Rachel Deming (sometimes Dymond or Dymon), and they had one child, my 8th great-grandfather, John Morgan Jr. The rest of the pedigree goes something like this:

9th great-grandfather: Captain John Morgan I
8th great-grandfather: John Morgan II
7th great-grandfather: John Morgan III
6th great-grandfather: Thomas Morgan
5th great-grandfather: Jedidiah Morgan
4th great-grandfather: Jedidiah S Morgan
3rd great-grandmother: Nancy Morgan
2nd great-grandfather: Edwin Morgan Marvin
Great-grandmother: Gladys Ellen Marvin
Me!  :)

Having an idea where this segment came from will prove very helpful.  We know that my Dad matches my aunt along the portion of DNA where my aunt has this segment.  However... I do NOT match my aunt along this segment.  If we can eventually figure out if Dad shares this MORGAN segment with his sister, that will tell us which side of the family MY matches come from (whether that be Grandpa's paternal side, or my grandmother's side).  We already know that my matches on this segment cannot come from Grandpa's maternal side, or I would match my aunt.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Some shared segments

Here's a graphic that shows all the shared segments between my aunt and her uncle (my great-uncle).   Even though I'm still unable to compare my father to my aunt directly, I can already see that there are a number of spots where my dad, my aunt, and my great-uncle all match each other.  This may sound like it would be helpful, but it's actually not!  Too much overlap between my father's DNA and his siblings' DNA makes it that much more difficult to re-build my grandmother's DNA (which is what we need to do to figure out some brick walls).

However, what IS exciting is that I'm finding people on my aunt's match list who don't match my great-uncle.  This could indicate that they are from my aunt's and my dad's paternal side.  I have one solid lead on a family tree with major links to the Maritime provinces of Canada, which is one place where our PERRY branch hits a bunch of brick walls.

Almost there!!

The FOX/PERRY results are IN!  Well.... mostly.  We have matches, and we can download those matches to GenomeMate, which is a great help, but we're still waiting on raw data and myOrigins.  I don't really care about the myOrigins too much, but I'm anxious to get the raw data so that we can upload that to GEDmatch.

However, there's still lots to be done with the information we have right now.  Since my great-uncle had previously tested with FTDNA, we can now compare him to my aunt (this test that just finished) and see where they match.  We can also compare that information to where Dad and my great-uncle (his uncle) match, and possibly make some conclusions there.  But the real fun will come when I can get my aunt onto GEDmatch.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hmmmm.... did it, or didn't it?

I logged in this morning to check on the FOX/PERRY test that was due back in August and failed twice.  Guess what?  The dates shifted again.  I immediately fired off an email to FTDNA's support desk.  They got back to me quite quickly saying that it was still being tested and didn't look like it had failed.  I also posted to the International Society of Genetic Genealogists group on Facebook and tagged an FTDNA employee there asking if she could check, and she's saying it passed.  I'm still seeing the delayed dates when I log in though.

I've seen this before, where the dates get shifted, but within hours results come in, so I'm content to just wait it out for a day or two.  If we don't have results by Monday, I'll get a little bit more pushy, but I'm hoping that the info I got on Facebook was solid and that we'll have results really soon!  Finding out where my aunt matches my dad and my great-uncle will be a big, big help!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Still waiting on the results of the FOX/PERRY kit currently undergoing processing.  It's been delayed.  Again.  :(  Really hoping it didn't fail, and that it was a lab issue that caused it to be delayed, but the lab isn't showing any delays for Family Finder tests (like this one) so that's not boding well for our test.  :(  I have someone checking on it now, so hopefully we'll know what happened in a day or two.

I've also seen it happen where the dates get moved, and then results pop up within 24 hours, so maybe that's what will happen here, but I'm not holding my breath.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Yeah, that's more likely!

I just checked on the KLASSEN YDNA test, since I was so surprised to see November completion dates the other day.  Sure enough, the expected time frame is now 12/9-12/23.  Just before Christmas, like I originally suspected.