Sunday, September 13, 2015

Some movement, but mostly still waiting

Let's see... right now we have five tests in some state of waiting...

1)  The first LOEWEN/FRANZ test results are due sometime between now and September 21st.

2)  The second FOX/PERRY test results are also due sometime between now and September 21st.

3)  The second LOEWEN/FRANZ test has been taken, and is back in the mail.  Current location is "being forwarded to destination country".  I'm doubtful it will make it back to Texas by Wednesday, so best case scenario for that one would be batching on Wednesday, September 23.  Probably Batch 641 if I was to guess.

4)  The second PETKAU/KLASSSEN test appears to be stuck at the destination post office.  Intended pick up was Saturday.

5)  We have $103.77 of the $139 we need to order the KLASSEN YDNA which will aid us in our search for Peter Klassen's family.  Target date for ordering that test is still September 30th.  Only 17 days to go!  With current wait times, these results should be in shortly before Christmas.

Long term plan:
-  Run KLASSEN YDNA on September 30th.
-  Commence saving for tests on second LOEWEN/FRANZ test & second PETKAU/KLASSEN test. We should have enough for one on November 25th, and the other on January 20th.
-  Somewhere in there I also want to swab several more of my grandparents' siblings (for inclusion purposes) as well as my great-grandmother's half-siblings (for exclusion purposes).

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