Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Delays, Purchases, and more Delays!

Here's a quick update about where we're at with our project.

1)  The FOX/PERRY test that was batched a couple weeks ago has been delayed.  Results are now expected between September 9 and September 23.  This delay is no fault of ours.  The lab had some processing issues a few weeks ago and they're still working their way through the back log.  I'll still keep checking though, just in case it comes in before the 9th.

2)  There is currently no delay on the LOEWEN/FRANZ test that was done at the same time.  That one is still expected between September 9 and September 23.

3)  I finally purchased the second PETKAU/KLASSEN test, and the second LOEWEN/FRANZ test.  They have not shipped yet, but I'm hoping they will ship by the end of the week.  They're both going to Canada, so I'm not expecting results on them until at least mid to late-October.

4)  The KLASSEN YDNA test slated for September 30th has been delayed until October 13th due to lack of funds.  If anyone would like to donate toward a test, please let me know!  We're about $10.23USD short of being able to purchase the test on September 30th.

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