Saturday, May 23, 2015

Another testing volunteer!

Looks like we have a volunteer for our first LOEWEN test!  My grand-uncle E has volunteered to test.  I haven't decided yet if I just want to mail his test to him (July), or if I want to hand-deliver it (August).  We'll see how impatient I am by July.  It will probably depend on if we have the KLASSEN results yet.  If those are in, I'll have a lot of work to do.  If they're not in though, it may indicate a delay at the lab and it may be better to get as many tests going as I can (I know, I know, that would further contribute to the delay, but at least I'd eventually get results!).

I have confirmation that the KLASSEN test is back in the States (it's in Chicago, I think).  Hopefully it's a easy delivery from Chicago to Houston, but with the holiday weekend this weekend (yeah, I forgot about that), I'm not really expecting it to get to the lab until late next week. *Edit* It's in Houston!!  I am hoping it will be delivered on Tuesday.

The PERRY test is also confirmed to be in the mail, and is out of Dallas, on its way.  I'm expecting it also to be delivered in the later half of next week.

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