Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Thanks to the generosity of one of my piano parents, I was able to order the second LOEWEN/FRANZ test this morning!  That's two weeks earlier than I was expecting.  I'm expecting this test to batch this afternoon, and we should have results between December 9 and December 16.

We're still waiting on the YDNA for the KLASSEN line, and those results are expected December 9-December 23.  Just in time for Christmas, and no delays yet!

The next test I'm saving for is the second PETKAU/KLASSEN test.  That swab is still outstanding, so I'll call my grandmother and have her call her brother for me.  Since I was able to order the LOEWEN/FRANZ test two weeks early, this one will also bump up two week,s and I should be able to order it January 6th!  :)

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