Friday, April 22, 2016

Kit updates

Currently we have:

-  4 Loewen/Franz kits at the lab waiting for a sale
-  1 Loewen/Franz kit that never got delivered was re-ordered this morning
-  1 Falk/Klassen kit mailed back to the lab on 4/20/16
-  2 Petkau/Klassen kits still outstanding
-  1 Falk/Guenther & Schpansky/Warkentin kit in the mail back to the lab around 4/8/16
-  1 Falk/Klassen kit still outstanding
-  1 Falk/Kroeker kit still outstanding

Yesterday FTDNA announced a sale for DNA Day, so I ordered the Family Finder test for the outstanding Falk/Kroeker kit.  I'll have enough to order the Family Finder test for the Falk/Klassen kit on it's way back to the lab before the end of the sale, so I'll order that one on Tuesday.  :)  Both of those tests will help narrow down what DNA came from Susanna Falk and what probably didn't.  Really excited about those, and very glad I got them on sale before Christmas!

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