Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Two more swabs ordered, and another to be ordered!

Eek!  I'm getting really close to having swabs out for all my grandparents' siblings!

Here's where we're at:

-  August 31 PETKAU/KLASSEN swab #2--This one is still outstanding, and as far as I know, hasn't made it back to the lab yet.
-  August 31 LOEWEN/FRANZ swab #2--This one made it back to the lab and was processed in near record time.
-  December 8 LOEWEN/FRANZ swab #3--This one has been mailed back to the lab, but to my knowledge hasn't made it back yet.
-  December 31 PETKAU/KLASSEN swabs #3 and #4--These two I assume have reached the testers, but I have no further information.
-  January 20 LOEWEN/FRANZ swabs #4 and #5--Ordered.  I expect the swabs to ship sometime next week


-  January 20 LOEWEN/FRANZ tester #6 agreed to test!  I'll order her test in the morning, I think

This means I have:
-  1 more LOEWEN/FRANZ sibling
-  3 more PETKAU/KLASSEN siblings

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