Sunday, April 19, 2015

An exciting update!

I talked to my first cousin, twice removed, tonight.  He's agreed to test for me, for both autosomal and YDNA.  This will help us find Peter Klassen's family.  It probably won't bring us to a 100% conclusion, but it will certainly help us in determining which Klassen group we belong to.  There are three, apparently.

We're running the autosomal test first.  This will help us determine which of Grandma's matches are Klassen matches, and which are definitely Petkau matches.  There will probably be some matches we can't make any conclusions about, simply because they don't match Ralph in the right places.

So... onward and upward!  In about a month and a half, I should have enough saved up to order the YDNA test.  :)

Peter Klassen's current family tree

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