Saturday, August 27, 2016

More results!

Grandma's brother's results came in this morning.  Still waiting for his raw data to be available so I can upload to GEDmatch, but I at least have a few things I can do while I wait.  :)  I'm working on uploading files into Genome Mate Pro right now.  Once I get the files in there, I can start making some comparisons.

Still waiting on Grandma's sister's results.  Those are due in on Thursday.

I also managed to squeak one more test in before the end of the summer sale, a known third cousin of my grandmother's on the FALK line.  That one should batch next Wednesday, which should yield results between September 28 and October 12th.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer sale!!

Hooray!  :)

FTDNA just announced a summer sale of $30 off!  I had enough saved to order Family Finder tests for two kits.  I decided to stick close to the tree and ordered two of my grandmother's siblings.  I figure between them, my grandmother, their half-uncle, the one cousin that I've run so far, and their assumed double second cousin, I should be able to dig up a lot more KLASSEN and FALK DNA.  :)

I'm really hoping to see these two kits batch today.  It would be a bummer to have to wait until next week for them to batch!