Thursday, December 31, 2015

Two more swabs ordered!

I just ordered two more PETKAU/KLASSEN swabs!  :)

So, this means that we now have three PETKAU/KLASSEN swabs in the pipeline, in addition to one LOEWEN/FRANZ swab.  I've been in contact with another LOEWEN/FRANZ sibling, and he is willing to swab, so I'll order that one on Monday.  I've got enough money saved I could pay for another swab as well, so I'm hoping one of the LOEWEN/FRANZ sisters I left messages for calls me back so I can order two at once again.  :)

*UPDATED 12/31/15 14:58 PM  Yes!!  I just got in touch with one of the LOEWEN/FRANZ sisters, and she agreed to swab for me!  :)  That brings my LOEWEN/FRANZ total up to five out of seven living siblings.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Another kit ordered!

Just ordered another LOEWEN/FRANZ test kit!  This is number 3 of 7, I believe.  :)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Grandpa's DNA

I'm getting closer to covering all the DNA my mom got from her dad.  Here's a picture of all the DNA my mom shares with her aunt and her uncle.  As you can see, I still have some sizable gaps on a few chromosomes, but I'm hoping that with one or two more tests, I'll be able to fill those gaps in.

Two pieces of good news this morning!

1)  My great-aunt's raw data was available this morning!  Working on uploading her to GEDmatch now.

2)  My great-uncle (who already tested) gave me the contact info for his brother (another great-uncle), so I sent him an email last night, and he's already agreed to test!  It will be January before I can get his kit out to him, but that will be our third LOEWEN/FRANZ test.  :)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

False Alarm!

This isn't the first time this has happened to me.  FTDNA said yesterday that my great-aunt's results had been delayed, but.... NOPE.  The second LOEWEN/FRANZ test results are in.

I'm always a bit relived when results come in as expected.  Now I've tested two of my Grandpa LOEWEN's siblings, and they match each other as expected, sharing just over the average amount of DNA that full siblings should share.  :)

I'm still waiting on the raw data, but I expect I'll have access to that tomorrow night.  Then I'll be able to compare my great-aunt to my mother and me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Delayed! :(

Just checked on the outstanding LOEWEN/FRANZ test, and it has been delayed to 12/16-12/30.  :(  I submitted a support ticket to see if I can find out if it failed quality control, like the FOX/PERRY test did in the fall.